The tech note for the day is –> Starting from MicroStrategy 9.4, the iPad URL is slightly modified and made as unique with iPhone/Mobile URLs. Kindly make note of it.
There is also an workaround given to make use of the old syntax of “mstripad://URL“
iPad configuration URL generated by MicroStrategy 9.4.0 Mobile Server starts with mstr:// instead of mstripad://
In MicroStrategy Mobile versions prior than 9.4.0, only iPad uses scheme “mstripad://” while iPhone and Android uses “mstr://”. In MicroStrategy Mobile 9.4.0, the configuration URL generated for iPad also starts with “mstr://” instead of “mstripad://”. As shown below:
This is an expected behavior.
Starting from MicroStrategy Mobile 9.4.0, this new scheme is introduced in configuration URL for iPad.
MicroStrategy Mobile App 9.4.1 or newer versions could now response to mstr:// scheme. Please use those App versions when using MicroStrategy Mobile Server 9.4.0 or newer.
For MicroStrategy Mobile App versions prior than 9.4.0, manually change configuration URL to mstripad://.
Have a Good Day!!