Dashboard execution flow in DHTML, Flash and Mobile for MicroStrategy Web 9.3.x.
The steps and components involved in the DHTML dashboard execution flow are described below:
1. MicroStrategy Intelligence Server receives the request and then processes it.
2. Web receives the XML from MicroStrategy Intelligence Server and converts it into DHTML.
3. Client( Browser) processes all the files received from web and renders the dashboard.
Starting from 9.3.x the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server generates the document definition and document data in a single binary file .
Flash requests all the bundles and xml files from web at the same time.
The steps and components involved in the Flash dashboard execution flow are described below:
1. MicroStrategy Intelligence server receives the request and processes it.
2. Web sends all the required bundles and XML files to the Flash Client. At the same time, MicroStrategy Intelligence Server will generate the Document Definition and Data and will send it to web when it is ready.
3. Flash receives the document definition and data and creates the document instance from there.
4. Flash loads the required SWF files.
5. Flash renders the dashboard.

Every manipulation in Flash requires round trip to the server which consists in two different calls :
[-] Submit Manipulations
[-] Partial Data Retrieval.

The document execution work flow for Mobile is the same as Flash as mentioned above.