Also .NET will be having IIS acting as web server in windows platform, whereas if we go for Web Universal, then we should have Apache Tomcat to act as web server and the JAR file needs to be deployed to make the MicroStrategy web to work with no issues. For any sort of customisation you would want to do, you can refer MicroStrategy SDK (if you are licensed to it), which will have ample amount of examples to refer and use them as per our need.
Before we go deep into the existing MicroStrategy web architecture, I’ll just give you an basic MicroStrategy web architecture that is followed and even now it would be the same(concepts)
Differences in architecture between the Java and ASP.NET versions of MicroStrategy Web 8.1.x

The ASP.NET version uses ASPX and ASCX files; the Java version uses JSPs.The presentation layer for the ASP.NET version contains ASPX and ASCX pages. Similar to the Java version, these pages have very little code and act merely as containers for web objects.The structure of the pages remains the same in both versions. The template page in the Java version is called mstrWeb.jsp while the template page in ASP.NET version is called mstrWeb.aspx. The pages that constitute the sections within these pages have an ASCX extension.For example, the template and section information for the Report Execution page is shown below. The file names are exactly identical except for the file extensions.
Java version ASP.NET version Template page mstrWeb.jsp mstrWeb.aspx Sections Header Generic_Header.jsp Generic_Header.ascx Path Report_Path.jsp Report_Path.ascx Toolbar Report_Toolbar.jsp Report_Toolbar.ascx content Report_content.jsp Report_content.ascx Error Report_Error.jsp Report_Error.ascx Footer Generic_Footer.jsp Generic_Footer.ascx Links Report_Links.jsp Report_Links.ascx -
An ASPX page in the ASP.NET version fulfills the role of a Servlet in the Java version.MicroStrategy Web 8.1.x Java version uses a Servlet-Controller combination. The servlet invokes the controller to either initialize the application or process the incoming request. In the ASP.NET version, an ASPX page replaces the servlet and invokes the controller. The servlets mstrWeb and mstrWebAdmin in the Java version are replaced with mstrWeb.aspx and mstrWebAdmin.aspx, respectively. The role of these ASPX pages is exactly identical to their corresponding servlets.
Web Controls in the ASP.NET version replace Tag Libraries in the Java version.Tag Libraries in the MicroStrategy Web 8.1.x Java version make use of Tag Helper objects to display container components and properties of objects. In the ASP.NET version, these Tag Libraries are replaced by Web Controls that make use of Tag Helper objects to carry out the same functionality.
A .NET bridge is necessary in the ASP.NET version to communicate between the ASPX client and the Java components.The underlying layers of the MicroStrategy Web 8.1.x architecture are built using Java technology. Thus, a .NET bridge is provided for communication between the ASPX and ASCX files in the Presentation layer and the Java components in the underlying layers.Have a Happy Reading!!!!’