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What type of prompt answers can be customized at the integrity test level?
Value prompts can be specified in the Test Creation Wizard. In these fields the administrator can specify what values to be entered into text, date, and numeric value prompts. These values are only used if there are no default prompt answers available at the report level.
How will MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.2.x – 9.3.x resolve the prompt answers if there is a required prompt and there are nodefault prompt answers defined?
Built into MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.x is an advanced prompting logic that is used whenever a prompt requires resolution for a report included in a MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.2.x – 9.3.x  test. This advanced prompt logic will resolve all prompts as necessary so that selected reports can be successfully run and compared.
For example:
If an attribute prompt (specify 5 countries) requires a specific number (5) of elements (countries) returned, MicroStrategy IntegrityManager 9.2.x – 9.3.x will use the first 5 countries returned by MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 9.2.x – 9.3.x
What if the user defines default prompt answers for a report and also specifies answers while going through the wizard? (in case of value prompts) Which answers will MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.2.x – 9.3.x consider?
If the prompt has default answers, MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.x will use these default answers and will discard the test levelprompt answers.
What would happen if the prompt is not required?
If the prompt is not required, MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.2.x – 9.3.x will not use that prompt when executing the report.
How can you specify prompt answers at the report level?
As of MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 8.1.1, users can specify prompt answers at the report level by saving the prompts as defaultanswers in MicroStrategy Desktop or Web. MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.x will use the saved default prompt answers when executing the report. If the administrator requires testing the same report with ten different prompt answer combinations, they can save ten different iterations of this report with ten different prompt answer combinations. These can be saved to a specific test folder, and this folder can be used in the MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.2.x – 9.3.x test to confirm the integrity of reports and data across BI systems. This folder and these reports can either be deleted after the test, or alternatively, this folder could be built upon to provide the administrator with a well designed test suite of predefined reports. These reports would be used when testing the BI system after any change to the environment, and the administrator wouldn’t have to go through the process of report prompt answering multiple times.
How can the administrators take advantage of saving prompt answers when comparing a massive amount of prompted reports?
With MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.2.x – 9.3.x , administrators can easily include and test all of the reports in the entire project. By expanding the number of reports to the 1000s, a more automated method of prompt resolution is required. Without this automated report comparison, the administrative burden is huge. An administrator would never be able to answer hundreds of different prompts without investing 100s of hours of manual data entry. Even then, the prompt answers are administrator chosen, whereas the value lies in testing the reports that end-users rely on. Only the business users can specify which information he/she requires to make their business decisions. Only by testing the reports the business users rely on can you confirm that any changes to the BI systems haven’t impacted the data and report integrity across the BI ecosystem. Even if an administrator took on the burden of answering prompts for 10000’s of prompts for 1000’s of reports, the savedprompt results would then be obsolete when prompt and report objects were upgraded during day to day BI object development.
With MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.2.x – 9.3.x , administrators can include all of the report in the project, including all of the user derived reports in each user’s My Reports folder.
For example, take a heavily prompted report, built with a number of object prompts and attribute hierarchy prompts. This report is perfect for end users who require the flexibility to build reports to their individual requirements. Once the prompts are answered by the user, and the report is built, the report is saved to the user’s folder “My reports”. Over time the user might build 10 different reports from this heavily prompted report. If there are 100 users in the project, there would be 1000 different user derived reports saved in the users profiles in their “My Reports” folders.Integrity Manager can test the data and report integrity for all of these 1000 reports. The administrator can now test the integrity of the reports that the users rely on. Knowing their BI applications are thoroughly and frequently tested for data and report integrity, users will trust their BI information and have confidence in their business decisions based on that data.

TN17131: MicroStrategy Integrity Manager 9.2.x – 9.3.x prompt resolution Frequently Asked Questions

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