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the below link is an excellent article regarding the change of technology from FLASH to HTML5 starting MSTR 10.1.

Recent Dashboard Modes are:

  • Editable Mode
  • Design Mode
  • Presentation or Express Mode (HTML5 )
  • Flash (Deprecated)
  • Interactive (Deprecated)
The deprecated modes can be removed sooner the later of coming MicroStrategy release.. So prepare for an HTML5 conversion … There are detailed steps for some of the flash viz to HTML5 viz in below URL .. Make use of it ..
Regarding the FLASH OFFLINE MODE EXPORT (mht file), it is still made possible in 10.x.  Information below to enable itExport to Flash can be enabled through Developer for any specific document. It is disabled by default for new documents. If the functionality needs to be enabled for all new documents, then the definition of the document template can be updated in the Object templates > Documents folder.

While existing documents based on Flash Mode and documents using Flash widgets will continue to run using Flash, MicroStrategy urges customers to migrate these documents to Presentation Mode by replacing Flash widgets with corresponding DHTML widgets or graphs (see the next section for best practices).
In certain cases, customers may also decide to rebuild an existing document as a dashboard to take advantage of functionality and features not available in documents. Dashboards have a modern look and feel, and provide a streamlined design experience that makes it easy to modify, rearrange, and resize visualizations.

Happy Reading!

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