Getting certified to the highest level in the technology that i work is always a dream and it had become true for me in 3 yrs of experience that i gained so far. I would like to thank my organization (L&T Infotech) & the client which i work closely most of the time for about 2 years (L&T Financial Services Technologies Inc – Canada). They have given a lot of support and belief over me and i had also given my best outcome in the past 3 years for growing the business for both my organization and my clients.
Here comes the information regarding the attainment of title MCEP:
1) Register for every exam with MicroStrategy directly or through any consultancy who provides certification
2) Complete the Certified Project Designer (CPD)
3) Complete the Certified Report Developer (CRD)
4) Complete the Certified Document & Mobile Designer (CDMD)
5) Complete the MicroStrategy Certified Developer (MCD)
6) Complete the Certified Platform Administrator (CPA)
7) Complete the Certified Engine Essentials (CEE)
8) Key thing is, you need to complete all the above level of certification within 1 year of duration.
As per the admonishment rule, i shouldn’t provide any queries or information regarding the exams. It’s not good also to do so. But, if you could learn the concepts/have practical knowledge on each of those ~ then it will be easy to win the title with your knowledge that you gain. MicroStrategy have offered the PEP course ~ which is like a deal that MicroStrategy offers to people to take certification with limited cost and trainings(distance/class room/etc) as part of it.
Levels of Certification:
Level 01: CPD ~ Certified Project Designer
Level 02: CRD ~ Certified Report Developer
Level 03: CDMD ~ Certified Document and Mobile Designer
If you complete the above 3 levels of certifications, then you could take up the MCD project ~ which will be an exam to validate the platform proficiency of the individual who take up the practical exam.
If you clear the MCD project, then you attain the MicroStrategy Certified Developer title. This can be taken directly to latest version of release in the same year when you take first 3 levels. (i.e.) Say for eg: you take CPD in MicroStrategy 931 & then CRD/CDMD in MicroStrategy 941 ~ you can take MCD in MicroStrategy 941 itself (provided you’re aware of the concepts/features as part of the release to answer them during the exam)
Level 04: MCD ~ MicroStrategy Certified Developer
Level 05: CPA ~ Certified Platform Administrator
Once you complete the CPA exam, you’re certified as MCE.
Level 06: MCE ~ MicroStrategy Certified Engineer (On completion of CPA)
Level 07: CES ~ Certified Engine Specialist
On completion of CES, you’re certified as MCEP
Level 08: MCEP ~ Microstrategy Certified Engineering Principal
About certification details in MicroStrategy site reference link : Ref
Necessary documents to learn for each courses: