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Sorry all that – i couldn’t post any technical update for so long & my apologies for that…

I believe, today’s tech update would help some users when they come across such requirements..


Can we pass the prompt inputs as the metric name (i.e.)  changing the metric names dynamically based on the prompt inputs


Yes, it is possible. You can achieve this by going for Dynamic Value text option on web

Things Required:

      – Report with attributes/metrics/prompts (For Dates as example here)
      – Take the path of the Prompt that is used (Eg: /Public Objects/Prompts/Value(Date) )
      – MicroStrategy Web to apply them
      – User should have the option/privilege to edit/rename the objects
      – Save options is also required – since, it won’t work until you save the report in web

Steps to Perform:

  1. Create a report with Year, Quarter, Revenue, and a prompt on Year

  2. Rename the Revenue metric    
  3. Using the provided syntax ( ?[prompt name] ), include the Year prompt in the metric name and click OK.

  4. Now, the value’s dint appear with the selected year because, the user need to save the report and check
  5. Save the report and then run it to see if it works or not.


   – If on any cause, your editing the report in MicroStrategy Desktop and saving it means –> The Dynamic Value text will go and won’t work for the next time when you run in web. 
  – So, i would advise you to modify the reports in web and save them accordingly.
Have a Good Day!
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