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About Joint Element List Filter
  • It reduces the effort of complexity of design – when there are cases like, Case 01: Country & Month Combination of filter is required ==> Such as , Condition 01: USA for January Month & Condition 02: Spain for March month – then we would need to create 2 standalone filters & then use it as shortcut filter on the report to achieve this kind of requirement. So, instead JOINT ELEMENT LIST will address it in single filter itself.. PFB, the example of creating it & using it for reports..
  • It can be also achieved using CUSTOM Group – but as Custom Group generate multiple pass & SQL intensive – its best to go with JOINT element list filter which improves performance & better design as well.

How to mimic a Joint Element List using elements from non-ID attribute forms in MicroStrategy Desktop 9.x?
Joint Element Lists are an advanced filtering qualification in MicroStrategy Desktop / SQL Engine that can be used to filter on combinations of attribute element ID’s from multiple attributes.  By design, Joint Element Lists will only qualify on attribute ID’s.  However, it may be desired to created a similarly structured qualification on attribute forms besides the ID.  This can be done in a manual fashion in the following way, which mimics the SQL Engine’s SQL query structure for standard Joint Element Lists.
Consider a standard Joint Element List defined below.  Note that “Country” and “Month of Year” are the selected attributes, and we are filtering on combinations of “Spain & August” and “USA & January”.
After adding this filter into a report and viewing the SQL, it looks like the following standard MicroStrategy SQL Engine structured SQL, which by design filters on the attributed ID’s:
In order to filter on attribute forms besides the ID, the following steps can be performed:
1)  For each combination of attribute elements from non-ID forms, create a separate standalone filter using the AND operator.  In this case the filtering will be done on the DESC form.  For example:  “January” AND “USA”.  In this case, two standalone filters are created and shown below, one for “January & USA” and one for “March & Spain”:
Standalone filter 1
Standalone filter 2
2)  Create one more standalone filter in which includes all filters created in step (1) above.  In this tech note, this filter will be referred to as the global filter.  Make sure to change all operators to OR in this filter as seen in the following screenshot:
3)  Include the global filter created in step (2) in the final report, which should now produce the same SQL as the standard MicroStrategy generated Joint Element List, but qualify on non-ID forms as seen in the following SQL:

Happy Reading!

TN43493: How to mimic a Joint Element List using elements from non-ID attribute forms in MicroStrategy Desktop 9.x?

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