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Recently I got an opportunity to work with one of the non certified or un supported OS for MicroStrategy. The task was to install MicroStrategy 931 on Cent OS 6.4 

Though it was not supported or certified – I was able to install them with couple of workarounds

    – First thing is, you would need to identify the required library to be install in OS ( either 32 bit or 64 bit libraries )
   – If during the course of installation, you get some error stating the library is missed – then you just need to download that library for CentOS or Linux based libraries and then perform YUM install 
   – Then you should be able to proceed with the install successfully
   – Similarly, during the process of configuring intelligence server/ DSN / Metadata setup – similar errors pop up and you should need to perform yum install of required libraries.
By this way, it works successful to install MicroStrategy on CentOS.

Hope MicroStrategy confirms it’s certification with CentOS soon !!
Have a happy reading!!

The Reference

Support for CentOS 5.x – 6.x with MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 9.3.1

CentOS 5.x – 6.x is supported in MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 9.3.1 (and its associated hotfixes and patches). This is a post-certification since the testing was performed after the release of MicroStrategy 9.3.1. Therefore, this support information is not present in the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 9.3.1 Readme file.
This support ONLY applies to MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 9.3.1 installations and does not include MicroStrategy Web Universal 9.3.1.

Important Note:

Users should note that DataDirect (3rd party vendor for database drivers) does not support CentOS operating system at this time.
MicroStrategy is aware of this limitation, but expects Intelligence Server 9.3.1 to work on CentOS 5.x – 6.x without any issues. If users were to encounter issues setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Universal 9.3.1 and using it, MicroStrategy will help troubleshoot the problem and best try to provide a resolution.

What is MicroStrategy’s support position regarding the CentOS Linux platform?

Starting in MicroStrategy 9.0.1 CentOS 5.3 has been certified and supported as a MicroStrategy Web client only.  
CentOS is supported as an operating system for MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Universal 9.3.1. Refer to the following MicroStrategy Knowledge Base document for further information:
TN44153: Support for CentOS 5.x – 6.x with MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 9.3.1
Contact MicroStrategy Technical Support if you have additional questions about the current status of MicroStrategy’s support for CentOS.

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