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Lets start our discussion with the information of what is Project Source & how projects are related to it under the MicroStrategy Desktop interface.

The highest level icon in the folder list of MicroStrategy Desktop is the Project Source. Project Sources are highest level objects in the MicroStrategy environment. A project source represents a connection to the metadata database ( for 2 tier – as discussed earlier ) or a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server ( for 3 tier or n – tier –> as discussed earlier ).

Through a project source, you can create, manipulate and administer MicroStrategy projects. The relationship between a project source / metadata database / projects is shown below;

– A Project source represents connection to the metadata database
– A metadata database contains one or more MicroStrategy projects.

So, the above relationship depicts a direct project source (ie) 2- tier project source.

           – The first tier is MicroStrategy Desktop
           – The second tier is Metadata database

This type of project source points directly to the metadata database.

Another type of project source is known as a Server project source (ie) 3-tier project source.

          – The first tier is MicroStrategy Desktop
          – The second tier is MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
          – The third tier is metadata database

This type of project source points to intelligence server which in turn points to the metadata database.

Each of them is shown clearly in the below image ( their icon representations in MicroStrategy Desktop )

The administrative icon provides access to all of the administrative functions for a project source. ( But you should have administrative privilege to see the admin icon )
               – System Monitors –> Enables you to access only the change journaling transactions monitor
               – Configuration Managers –> Enables you to access configuration objects such as db instances / schedules, events, security roles, languages.
               – Delivery Managers –> Enable you to access the managers to create and manage transmitters and devices.
               – User Manager –> Enable you to create and manage users and user groups.
All the above said admin components comes without MicroStrategy Intelligence server (ie) for 2 tier project sources. But if you have IS configured, then you’ll have additional admin components like Jobs/user connections / Projects / Clustering / Cache / etc..
This would be sufficient for the day i guess!!
Hope it helps everyone to know about it!!
Have a Good Day!!!
 — By default, MicroStrategt Desktop will prompt you for login credentials for the last project source to which your connected.
 — By default, users with administrative privileges can see the Administration icon

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