I faced a recent issue when i was trying to create a ODBC DSN on windows machine to connect the Sybase Database that “Invalid Port Address server”
So, i was wondering if there is something i need to look for to resolve this to proceed.
Finally on referring to the Installation & Config PDF found that for Sybase ODBC DSN Creation –> We need to specify Port number along with the Server IP.
ie) Server IP,Port No / Server Name,Port No (Default Port No :5000 for Sybase)
So, after giving the info correctly in DSN Creation –> It worked and the DSN got created successfully.
The point i’m trying to say here to all is that –> Always the better source for troubleshooting an issue is to either refer the Knowledge base/MicroStrategy PDFs to resolve the issues smoothly & you learn from it for the day in one way or the other!!
Cheers & Have a Good Day!!