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This was one of the interesting article i would say for importing users in bulk into MicroStrategy
How to import users from a .udf file in the MicroStrategy Desktop 9.x User Manager

This document provides the format used when importing users into the metadata from a flat file.
  • Each line represents an entry of a user or a group.
  • Each field in the line must be kept, even if it is empty; otherwise the entry will be ignored.
  • The syntax of the line should exactly follow the format below:
    IsGroup:Login:Full Name:Description:group1,group2,...:xyz

    * IsGroup is a flag if equals:
    1(a group)Login and xyz fields will be ignored.
    0(a user)Login and Full name fields must be provided
    * x,y,z are flags:
    if x is 1 then the account is disabled.
    if y is 1 then user cannot change password and z is ignored.
    if z is 1 then user must change password at first
    logon (it is recommended to use this option).
    * group1,group2 ... indicates the membership of the new user or group.
    Valid examples:
    1::MSTR:Whole Company::
    1::Technology:This is our technology group:MSTR:
    0:Joe:John Doe:Standard user: Standard group,Technology:000
    0:John:John Smith::MSTR,Public:110
    0:AdminTest:Mike John:The system administrator:MSTR,Technology:001
    1. Save the file with the preceding syntax as a .udf file.
    2. Right-click in the User Manager and select ‘Import Users from File’.
    3. In the Import Users/Groups From File window, select the .udf file from the ‘Import from file’ menu. Click on ‘Load’.
For more information, click on the Editor’s Help button.
Hope it helps for the end users to use whenever required for bulk import of users!!
Have a Good Day!!
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