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I dint face the below error –> But looking at the forum, found that most of the users are facing the problem in accessing the latest release of MicroStrategy Analytic Desktop. So thought the below tech note would help the end users to either follow the workaround mentioned below or go for fix pack released on 30/10/2013.

“We apologize, there appears to be a problem with your computer’s configuration…” error message appears when starting MicroStrategy Analytics Desktop

When starting MicroStrategy Analytics Desktop the following error message is displayed:
We apologize, there appears to be a problem with your computer’s configuration and Analytics Desktop cannot display properly..
This is a known issue with MicroStrategy Analytics Desktop.
This issue has been addressed in MicroStrategy Analytics Desktop (released on 10/30) available here .
  1. Clear the DNS Cache by running the following command:
    C:>ipconfig /flushdns
    Then quit MicroStrategy Analytics Desktop (System tray icon-> Quit) and restart it.
  2. If the error message is no longer seen when starting MicroStrategy Analytics Desktop, then no further steps will be necessary. Otherwise please continue with the below steps.
  3. Determine the correct IP address of the machine by running the ipconfig command:
  4. Modify the hosts file (C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts) and match the machine name to the IP address returned in step #3 above. Below is an example:         was-test
    Have a Good Day!
    Reference : TN45038
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