New features in Intelligence Server and Engine for MicroStrategy 9.3.1
Multiple enhancements have been implemented in MicroStrategy 9.3.1. General information on these new features can be found in the MicroStrategy 9.3.1 general information readme.
For detailed information on specific functionality introduced in MicroStrategy Intelligence Server and Engine 9.3.1, refer to the following MicroStrategy Knowledge Base technical documents:
TN43763 – New Feature in MicroStrategy 9.3.1: Migration of Deferred Inbox messages from Configuration Wizard
TN43518 – New Feature in MicroStrategy 9.3.1: Support for IPv6 (discussed already in earlier posts)
TN43760 – New Feature in MicroStrategy 9.3.1: Date and Time function support for derived metrics
TN43761 – New Feature in MicroStrategy 9.3.1: Support for SAP HANA Input Parameters
TN43762 – New Feature in MicroStrategy 9.3.1: Set preferred database order for Multisourcing.
New Feature in MicroStrategy 9.3.1: Set preferred database order for Multisourcing.
In MicroStrategy 9.3.1, a new option to set preferred order of database instances when running reports against multiple data sources, is available. Prior to MicroStrategy 9.3.1, the engine used an internal logic to break ties in a multisource report, which by default tried to source from the smaller, faster database.
The option can be accessed through Project Configuration>Report definition>SQL generation as shown below:

There are two available options, which are explained below.
- Use multisource engine default ordering: With this option, the default order generated for multi-sourcing is used. Any data source priority defined using Database Instance Ordering is ignored.
- Use project level database instance ordering: With this option, data sources are used in the order as defined by the user. By clicking on the ‘Modify’ button, users can designate the order in which database instances should be used.
Designate “Tutorial Data 2” as the preferred database instance when “Tutorial data” is the primary database instance as shown below.

In a case where all the data is available in Tutorial Data2, and users choose the option to use project level database instance ordering, the difference can be verified from the report SQL view:
- SQL with option set to use default ordering: SQL queries both Tutorial Data and Tutorial Data 2.

- SQL with option set to use project level ordering: Report only queries Tutorial Data 2.

New Feature in MicroStrategy 9.3.1: Migration of Deferred Inbox messages from Configuration Wizard
Deferred Inbox is a new feature that has been introduced in MicroStrategy 9.3.0. When a document execution is expected to take a long time, users accessing this document from an iPad have the option to click on the ‘View Later’ button. Selecting this option sends the document execution to the back end and when the execution is complete, users can find it in their Inbox when viewed from the Mobile device (iPad). Documents sent to the deferred Inbox are not seen from MicroStrategy Web or Desktop and are only visible on the Mobile device. When using file based Inbox, Deferred Inbox messages get created in the same folder as regular Inbox messages in a new folder called ‘Deferred Inbox’.
MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard 9.3.1 supports deferred Inbox migration. The migration of deferred Inbox messages is performed in the back end when checking the migration option to transfer history list messages to a database, as shown below:

When the Inbox messages are being migrated, the History List migration tool will obtain the deferred Inbox location from the metadata. Users cannot modify the path to which deferred Inbox messages are transferred. Post migration, the deferred messages will be moved to the TmpPool folder under the Intelligence Server working directory. Note that these messages are still stored on file but in a different location.
Migration can be verified by viewing the Inbox from an iPad as deferred messages show up only in mobile, and not under the MicroStrategy Web or Desktop History List folder.
For specific information about configuring and locating history lists, refer to the Installation and Configuration Guide> Chapter 5: Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server> Creating metadata, History List, and statistics repositories
For additional information regarding history list maintenance, refer to the System Administration Guide> Chapter 10: Improving Report and Document Response Time: Caching> Saving report results: History List
New Feature in MicroStrategy 9.3.1: Date and Time function support for derived metrics
Prior to MicroStrategy 9.3.1, Date and Time functions were only supported for regular ROLAP metrics. For example, in MicroStrategy 9.3.0, If users define a base derived metric with a formula “Max(Day) {~+}” (Day here is a metric), other derived metrics cannot be built using Date and Time functions. When users try to use Date functions on such base derived metrics, an error is encountered as shown below :
DBOnly functions may not be used in a derived metric.

Starting with MicroStrategy 9.3.1, derived metrics can be defined using Date and Time functions.
Refer to Product Manual MicroStrategy Functions Reference for a complete list of the OLAP functions and ROLAP metric examples.
Available Date and Time functions are as below:

Users can define a base derived metric, for example ‘Date_DM’ with a formula “Max(Day) {~+}” (Day here is a metric), and then define other derived metrics from the base derived metric such as below:
Metric Month(DateDM) with the formula of “Month(Date_DM)”;
Metric Year(DateDM) with the formula of “Month(Date_DM)”;
Metric Add 10 day (DateDM) with the formula of “AddDays(Date_DM,10)”
Metric Month(DateDM) definition is shown below:

A report containing these metrics results in data shown below.

New Feature in MicroStrategy 9.3.1: Support for SAP HANA Input Parameters
SAP HANA modeling views have two kinds of user inputs: Variables and Input Parameters. SAP HANA parameter is a parameter which can be specified before executing a query on the view. It can be used in attributes and measures. For further information, refer to the following MicroStrategy Knowledge Base document:
TN42052: Integrating MicroStrategy 9.3.0 with SAP HANA
In MicroStrategy 9.3.0, support for SAP HANA was first introduced as a Warehouse connection. In MicroStrategy 9.3.1, support has been added to allow SAP HANA input parameters to be used in MicroStrategy.
SAP HANA input parameters can be imported as table-level prompts when adding SAP HANA information views (with input parameters) to the list of MicroStrategy project tables from Warehouse Catalog. All reports that use such a table, display the table-level prompts to end users and the SQL submitted includes the placeholder syntax specific to SAP HANA input parameters.
SAP HANA input parameter can be viewed from the Warehouse Catalog or Table editor as explained below.
Warehouse Catalog:
When SAP HANA information views are imported, a new ‘Parameters’ option displays all input parameters for this table. This option can be accessed by a right click on the table as shown below:

Table Editor
A new ‘Parameters’ tab has been added to the table editor as shown below.

Right click on a parameter in the table editor to edit the parameter. This allows users to replace/remap the input parameters with any other project. prompt

Hope the above latest information would help the end users to know about the updates in 931Release
Have a Good Day!!