In MicroStrategy Mobile 9.2.1m Patch 5 for iOS users can now point out areas of interest within the screen while projecting to an external display either through a cable or through airplay mirroring.
A graphic simulating the light projected by a laser pointer is overlaid on top of the report or document viewer, as shown below:

The laser pointer mode will become automatically enabled when the screen mirroring is activated either by connecting a VGA/HDMI cable or via Airplay.
Mode “ON“
It only becomes visible after a tap-and-hold gesture is detected. Other gestures such as tap, swipe, drag, etc should not activate it.
When enabled, it will only delay the regular tap-andhold actions such as toolips in graphs and visualizations and magnifying glass on grids whenever they are available, but will not override these actions. When positioned on a data point or a cell and maintained for one second, then the tooltip or magnifying glass become visible.

The center of the laser pointer is placed above the center of touchpoint so that the user’s finger doesn’t obstruct the pointer. Once the pointer is displayed, the user may drag the touch point across the screen and the laser pointer should follow the touchpoint, maintaining the 30 pixel vertical offset, as shown below:

Laser Pointer mode on Grids
When the laser pointer turns on and users hold it, the tooltip or magnifying glass will appear with their origin on the position of the laser pointer.
Without releasing the touch point, the user may drag his finger across different data points or datacells. The tooltips and magnifying glass should update their position and contents as the laser pointer moves over other datapoints or datacells. Note that in this case, the tooltips or magnifying glass appear immediately since they have been activated already by the current gesture (no one second delay necessary):

Laser Pointer is off as soon as the user lifts off the touchpoint, but tooltips or magnifying glass triggered by the laser pointer should stay visible when the user lifts the touchpoint, even if the laser pointer disappears.
This is available on both the report and document viewer controllers (including documents in full view mode).
The mode will be “ON” until the user stops the screen mirroring by unplugging the VGA/HDMI cable or by deactivating Airplay mirroring.
TN39869: New Feature in MicroStrategy Mobile 9.2.1m Patch 5 for iOS: Laser Pointer