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Before I jump into the Volume 2 Tips on Tableau/Tableau Public – here is my prior tweet series Volume 1 for any viewers to take advantage of it

URL : Tableau Tips Volume 01

I have been recently sharing the hash tag of #TableauTips on Twitter & thought all of those tips to me are an Interview Questions for an Tableau Developer 🙂

I love to repeat this >> I got this tweet series inspired from KevinKen Jeffrey sharing tons of Tableau Tips through Twitter/LinkedIn/Blogs.

July 24th , 2020 – I took this series of tips and happy that I’m able to share 50+ tips on Tableau for this year! Great to share for others to learn from this series. Hope I’ll cross 100 tips in 2021 🙂

Here in this blog post, I’m going to share those tweets for anyone to learn from it that can help anyway in their professional life. Wait – if you’re not on MOBILE – do see this blog post on Mobile with animated Gifs with steps to do it. So, you’ll really love each of the tips.

Tip #26 : Selector “ALL” Option (Turn On/Off)

Tip #27 : Date Filter Types (My favorite)

Tip # 28 : Compute Calculations (Performance Tips)

Tip # 29 : Drag Drop Multi Objects

Tip # 30 : User Login Function

Tip # 31 : User Name & Domain Functions

Tip # 32 : Ring Pie

Tip # 33 : DateAdd() function

Tip #34 : Rounded Bar Chart

Tip #35 : Side Bar Missing to Enable back

Tip #36 : Enable Labels Options

Tip #37 : Swap Axis

Tip #38 : Describe Worksheet

Tip #39 : View Data Option

Tip #40 : Summary Card Option

Tip #41 : Workbook Formatting

All the below tips were part of STRING functions & hence it will be String Tips Series below 🙂

Tip #42 : LEN function

Tip #43 : LOWER/UPPER Function

Tip #44 : FINDNTH() Function

Tip #45 : CHAR() function

Tip #46 : RIGHT() & LEFT() function

Tip #47 : STARTSWITH() & ENDSWITH() function

Tip #48 : TRIM() , RTRIM(), LTRIM() function

Tip #49 : Concatenate String with SPACE() function

Tip #50 : Split function

Hope you’re enjoying these tweet series!

Please feel free to provide your constructive feedbacks or comments or suggestions below in this blog post.

Wishing Everyone an Happy New Year – 2021!!

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