by Vels | Jan 25, 2016 | Wednesday
I recently looked at the below mentioned tech note specific to Mobile & thought it would help everyone to make use of it.. Hope it helps!SummaryThe scope of this technical note is to provide administrators and end users a central repository of resources for...
by Vels | Jan 5, 2016 | Administration, Wednesday
I found that, the below tech note information will be useful for folks who use MSTR 9.x in 2016 and see that no data is returned upon execution of EM Reports – then run the query mentioned in below tech note and extend the date information beyond 2015....
by Vels | Dec 22, 2015 | 10.1, Wednesday
the below link is an excellent article regarding the change of technology from FLASH to HTML5 starting MSTR 10.1.Recent Dashboard Modes are:Editable ModeDesign ModePresentation or Express Mode (HTML5 )Flash (Deprecated)Interactive (Deprecated)The deprecated modes can...
by Vels | Oct 13, 2015 | 10.1, Wednesday
As we know starting from MicroStrategy 10 – the flash is retired and it is all going to be with HTML5 as the primary technology that is going to drive the dashboards going forward..With latest release of MicroStrategy 10.1, they have announced that Flash &...
by Vels | Sep 30, 2015 | Wednesday
Recently was working on setting up Oracle 11.x environment on MicroStrategy & faced the below issue on opening the WH Catalog and also while creating the DSN through MicroStrategy Connectivity Wizard.Issue Screenshot:Issue Resolution Steps:Verify the Port Number...