by Vels | Jun 10, 2020 | latest4, Wednesday
Let’s compare today different BI tools behavior of “Responsive Design” for dashboards MicroStrategyPower BITableau What is Responsive Design ? Responsive web design is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices...
by Vels | Jun 8, 2020 | latest1, Monday
Recently, i’m learning Tableau & thought to share my dashboard design experience which would help for any new designer to develop this dashboard. This can be applied to any BI Tool. Study or Understand the DataHave an design in mind or start wire framing...
by Vels | Jun 7, 2020 | Sunday
This time, i would like to share my “Tableau Public” dashboard of analyzing “Operation Fistula” Fistula is a childbirth injury that happens when a woman who needs a c-section doesn’t get a good one in time. After losing her child the woman is...
by Vels | May 31, 2020 | Sunday
This time i tried the new viz that is combo of Radial & Rounded Bar Chart in Tableau Thanks to Toan Hoang for providing the detailed steps on achieving this Viz in Tableau! Check out his blog – it is really inspirational to learn the magics that are possible...
by Vels | May 27, 2020 | Tuesday
If you are an dashboard designer at your organization, you would know how pain it is to format the dossier with better look and feel. As we discussed earlier, it is highly important to have focused wire-frame/dashboard design in place to achieve your goal. With...