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Satoshi Ganeko |Inspiring Make Over Monday Viz Design Experience

I would like to share today about Satoshi Ganeko - Tableau Zen Master 2021 | 2019,2020 Tableau Public Ambassador | 2 x VOTD | Data Saber | Flight data analyst ~ his Viz / Dashboard build process for Datafam to get inspired from it. I am truly honored to share his...

BI Tools License Comparisons

Today, I thought of discussing about the license costs involved for each BI tools available in market. Before i delve into the license terms, let's discuss about each Business Intelligence tool benefits for business users. What is Business Intelligence ? Business...

Microsoft Power BI Report Server vs Power BI Service

I would like to share my learning from Microsoft learning portal regarding the difference between Report Server vs Report Service in this blog post. Before I deep dive, let's talk about some basics : What is Power BI ? Power BI is a business analytics service by...

MicroStrategy 2021 | Top Picks & World 2021 Recap

Today I'll be sharing the top features that i loved within MicroStrategy 2021 in the form of blog post from my learning through MicroStrategy World 2021 sessions. Hope it helps the community to understand about them ! MicroStrategy 2021 ~ One of the most anticipated...

How to leverage the long form Dossier in MicroStrategy

Long form Dossier or scrollable Dossier page was a long awaited feature in MicroStrategy. But with this year release, MicroStrategy introduced the long form dossier in version : MicroStrategy 2021. This is a very good feature that we as developer need to make our...

Tableau | Bicylce Boom Dashboard Experience

Today I'm excited to introduce Krishma Shah Dashboard experience for any new learners into Tableau to design beautiful dashboard within Tableau. Thanks to her for sharing it in an detailed format! I really enjoy learning the beauty of Canva + Tableau = Beauty with...

MicroStrategy Dossier | Can we calculate distance between two geo coordinates ?

Recently at my work place, there came an question from my manager requesting "Can we calculate distance based on longitude and latitude? " ~ My immediate answer was, "It's an great question. I have never done it & would like to research and let him know about it."...

Tableau Tips Tweet Series Vol2 | Happy New Year 2021!!

Before I jump into the Volume 2 Tips on Tableau/Tableau Public - here is my prior tweet series Volume 1 for any viewers to take advantage of it URL : Tableau Tips Volume 01 I have been recently sharing the hash tag of #TableauTips on Twitter & thought all of those...

Vitara Charts – Dashboard Contest Invite

Before I jump straight to the dashboard contest - let me provide some information about Vitara Charts & MicroStrategy here for the folks. MicroStrategy MicroStrategy Incorporated is a company that provides business intelligence, mobile software, and cloud-based...

Organ Donation My Debut IronViz Experience

As promised, sharing my debut IronViz experience with Tableau today. What is IronViz? Iron Viz—the world’s largest virtual data visualization competition—ignites and showcases the power of the Tableau Community, giving you the opportunity to interact with data rock...

Recent Posts

Tableau Tips Tweet Series

I have been recently sharing the hash tag of #TableauTips on Twitter & thought all of those tips to me are an Interview Questions for an Tableau Developer 🙂 I got this tweet series inspired from Kevin, Ken & Jeffrey sharing tons of Tableau Tips through...

MicroStrategy | Comprehensive Administration using Workstation

Today as part of Friday Fun, thought of sharing this ON DEMAND video shared by MicroStrategy detailing out the administration capabilities provided using Workstation Workstation - What is it ? Workstation is next-gen tool developed by MicroStrategy to replace all we...

Tableau Tips | Exclude & Keep Only Option Disable

Recently, one of my friend Kranthi Kotla was asking me to hide those "Exclude" & "Keep Only" options for my IronViz submission dashboard. It might be useful , but for detailed dashboard - it may not or based on case by cases It was an great feedback from him to...

Tips of the Day | Tableau Export Functionality

Recently while working on Tableau loved this feature of embeding this option as an click of an button with easy setup Requirement Can we include EXPORT functionality within the dashboard as an button ? Solution/Tip YES - we can setup this easily with Tableau Export...

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